Mobile App Design

Mobile Designs that Help You Explore The Un-captured Market Share…

better Mobile UI opens up the hidden and potential possibilities of your online business…

Nowadays mobile devices are much more than the conventional medium of communication. It has turned up as a very powerful platform for social networking. There is a galaxy of vivid mobile applications that play a significant role in connecting with the customers. However, the success of any app depends much on the UI and UX that it renders to the users.

Why Mobile Designs?

Well, Crafted Mobile App Design offers You Multiple Benefits
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    Assured Better ROI

    Mobile apps are always packed with amazing features and captivating designs which help you in your products/services promotional activities, business transactions and business relations as well. This, in turn, assures you the best of the return on the investments you have made on the app development and design.

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    Strong Brand Identity

    A sound mobile app design offers two-fold benefits- it educates the customers about the products or services and brings awareness about the same. The more it percolates among a various group of customers, the greater the brand identity the product or service gains.

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    Wider Network of Customers

    The more the brand awareness with the help of the mobile design, the wider will be the customers’ network through the referrals as well as recommendations. The app design is the best way to communicate one’s own interest without any hassles and it continues to be expanding with more customers.

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    Helps You Earn Customers’ Loyalty

    A satisfied customer is worth a billion dollar business and that’s what can be possible through an easy and interactive mobile design besides the other business and marketing tools. Moreover, continuous interaction with the customers lets your customers stay connected with your products or services and you can earn brand loyalty.

The Way We Create Engaging Designs

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    Counselling & Market Research:

    Before we initiate the designing process, we, at Codrain spend a good amount of time with our clients in grasping the exact expectations they have from their business app. Then the team at Codrain makes deep market research in respect of the audience, industry and rivals and decide the perfect mobile design solutions that meet the requirements.

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    Scrutinizing information and Preparing Wire-frames:

    We scrutinize the information that we have obtained after thorough research and the inputs from the clients. Based on it, the overall flow of the app and sketches are prepared.

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    Preparing Visual Interfaces and obtaining the design approval:

    Once the sketches are prepared, various visual interfaces and landing pages are prepared considering the prime requirements of the project. Then, it is shared with the client for approval.

Here is an insight into the booming trends in the Mobile app designing:

Trends and tastes are always flexible by nature and they keep on changing from time to time. However, these are some of the most in demand trends nowadays.

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    A mobile app design with Animation & Video:

    Animated graphics or a video describing your product or services works better and faster than the conventional trend of the still graphics, images or texts. It is very effective to grab the attention of the user faster than the other means.

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    Use of Vibrant Colours:

    It is perhaps one of the most prominent elements that make the mobile app design more engaging. Vibrant and multi-colour app designs succeed in grabbing the attention of the users with ease. Moreover, it also describes well the corporate decorum.

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    Illustrious Design:

    It will be more effective when you wish to establish your brand and market stand. A short illustration detailing your product or service shortens the distance between the user and the brand.

Our Portfolio

We take pride to display what our clients have expressed about us.